!!! (RE)Building in progress !!!
Although more new publications on the Orders and Decorations of The Netherlands have been written since the later half of the 1990's, few cover the entire subject. Only one book was a serious attempt ("Orders and Decorations of the Netherlands" by H.G. Meijer, C.P. Mulder and B.W. Wagenaar). Unfortunately, this also didn't cover the entire subject.
That is why I will try to complete this 'bible on Dutch medals' with these pages. But, I have to say, I can't guarantee completeness. The last years many - till then unknown - Dutch awards have been 'refound' and still are being discovered.
In 2002 I decided to remove the English pages from my homepage. This resulted in many dissapointed e-mails from frequent non-Dutch visitors. Although my time is even more limited since I graduated and started on a 'real' job, I will try to rewrite my old English pages and add new ones in the coming years.
Member of the Studiekring Ridderorden en Onderscheidingen (SRO #51), of the Studiekring Faleristiek (SKF #16), of the Orders and Medals Research Society (OMRS #6709) and of MEDEC